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Материал взят с www.fonema.se/anemom/anemom.html

Amateur design report by Johan Liljencrants

A thermal anemometer uses a heated probe element that is inserted into an airstream. Air speed can then be inferred from the heating power necessary to maintain the probe at a temperature elevation. This power should be some way proportional to air speed.

In my efforts to monitor airflow in my organ trunks without disturbing its musical operations I have experimented with a number of thermal anemometers. The purpose was to hint at their relative merits regarding ease of fabrication, probe size, and time required for a measurement.

A number of experimental circuits are described, using internally and externally heated sensors, being diodes or NTC resistors to monitor temperature. With internal heating you vary the sensor operating voltage and current such that it is heated by its internal dissipation. This implies fast response, but also an issue of whether sensing is disturbed by the heating. Alternatively, with external heating the sensor is only thermally connected to a separate heater such that there is no such electrical interference. Then instead there is a delay for heat to be conducted from heater to sensor. This makes the device substantially slower and puts restrictions on the control circuit in order to maintain stability.

The thermal circuit of a probe is modeled. Essential parameters in this model are derived for several experimental probes of the various types. It was found that the classical King's law, saying power dissipation is proportional to the square root of air speed, does not hold well for the large size sensors used in the actual case. Here a direct proportionality to air speed makes for a better model fit to measured data. The model data suggests two derived parameters to characterize the probe quality and its suitable speed range. Quality depends on the probe design and material properties. Mid-range speed is critically dependent on probe element size, the higher speeds one wants to measure, the smaller the probe has to be.

1. Different circuits and sensors

1.0 Background: Internally heated transistor - 'Tranemometer'

ZebVance once suggested to me a link to an anemometer design, see reference below. Here is my somewhat modified version of that circuit: The temperature sensing elements are the base-emitter junctions of two probe transistors Q1, Q2. The base-emitter junction voltage is typically 0.7 Volts with a temperature coefficient near -2 mV per deg C. The lower transistor Q2 has its collector wired to its base. This one acts as a passive diode, only there to sense ambient temperature. These transistors form the left side of a bridge, the right side is resistors R1, R2, and the trimmer R3. Amplifier A1 senses the balance of the bridge. If the voltage over the Q1 junction is too high, then A1 will drive the Q1 base up. More current will pass through both transistors but Q2 is fully conducting and does not change its temperature appreciably with change in current. Having a high collector voltage, Q1 will be heated while Q2 remains essentially at ambient temperature. That heating lowers the Q1 base-emitter voltage until balance is restored. The heater and the temperature detection are inherent in the transistor itself. So A1 keeps Q1 a certain number of degrees hotter than Q2. How many depends on the trimmer setting, with this circuit typically around 5 degrees centigrade. Resistor R4 senses how much current is flowing through Q1-Q2. The (small) voltage developed over R4 by this current is amplified by A2 into the output pin 7. A2 has an offset input but otherwise simply translates the additional current needed to maintain the temperature difference between the two B-E junctions. The more current, the more heat is being removed from hot Q2. Actually A2 is not simple at all. If R9 and R10 are trimmers, you can go nuts trying to adjust them. The reason is that “input offset” in the front. As the bias changes, the gain is affected.

The original article mentions a problem with this circuit. The sensor transistors may latch up in a current rush mode, with the top Q1 fully on and current limited essentially only by the small sensing resistor R4. Then Q1 can no more hold its temperature and the bridge balancing fails. This mode is easily evoked by a minimal disturbance, e.g. like putting a scope probe in contact with the circuit. The remedy is the threshold feedback from A2 via two diodes (a transistor in the original article). If the output at A2 goes too high, essentially over some half the supply, then the feedback diodes open and A1 is quenched such that probe current is cut off again. While this safety device is in operation, the output of the circuit is in error (output no longer goes up with airspeed). Without it, however, it goes up and stays up until you turn off the circuit.  The capacitor C1 is not commented in the original article, but apparently slows operations to be in the tens of milliseconds range, preventing oscillation. Still this is much faster than the thermal time constants in Q1-Q2.

Power is supplied from a single 9V battery. The power-on indicator LED is used to offset the nominal ground and form a negative supply for the op-amps. Otherwise their inputs come too close to the negative supply, such that they do not operate.


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